Special thank you to our sponsors:
- 5 Star Roofing
- Baltimore Hackerspace
- Unallocated Space
- NHRL for an awesome test box!
- Repeat Robotics
- ItGresa
- SendCutSend
- Fingertech
- Printed Solid
- DOOMBA Battlebot
- Chesapeak Arts Center
Event organizer Jeff S
Please register on buildersdb.com
Please look at the bottom for updates.
We are running the following classes at this event:
- 3d printed plastic 1 pound ant weight
- Full combat 1 pound ant weight
- Full combat 150 gram fairy weight
Event schedule: (Please note that our normal times have changed.)
- 9:00 am Competitor Setup
- 10:00 am Event check in opens
- 10:45 am Event Check in closes
- 10:45 am Drivers meeting
- 11:00 am Combat starts
- Event ends when tournament is complete
To check in, please come to the front table and a MACRO staff member will guide you through the process.
Please join us on Discord for construction specifications. https://discord.gg/SXwArmv
Address: Unallocated Space, 512 Shaw Ct #105, Severn MD 21144
Site and event rules:
1. Registration fee will be collected at the door. Cash only.
2. Each bot will need 2 winner's pogs (coins). We encourage each tem to make custom pogs. If your team is unable to, MACRO will supply two generic pogs per bot.
3. The pits will be outdoors. As such, please bring tables, chairs, sun canopies, sun screen, etc. Each teams pit will be located at least one car parking space.
4. If you want power at your pit space, please bring an extension cord.
Tournament procedures (These have been revised. Please READ them carefully. Violations can result in a match forfeit or worse.)
Bot load in to the arena procedure.
- Turn on all transmitters involved in the match.
- All transmitters involved in the match are placed in the designated area.
- Until the load in procedure is complete, handling a transmitter involved in the match will cause an immediate forfeiture of the match.
Least dangerous bot is loaded first.
- Bot is placed in the arena with the weapon lock in place and the power turned off.
- Bot is powered on.
- Weapon lock is removed.
- Visual check for stray tools, etc.
- Arena loading door is closed.
Most dangerous bot is loaded last.
- Bot is placed in the arena with the weapon lock in place and the power turned off.
- Bot is powered on.
- Weapon lock is removed.
- Visual check for stray tools, etc.
- Arena loading door is closed.
- The arena steward/judges will call "Competitors may handle transmitters" At which point, competitors may handle their transmitter.
- Twitch tests may now be performed.
Bot unload from the arena procedure.
- All transmitters involved in the match are placed in the designated area.
- Until the unload in procedure is complete, handling a transmitter involved in the match will cause an immediate forfeiture of the match.
- The most dangerous bot is first to be made safe.
- Weapon lock is put in place.
- Power is turned off
- Bot is unloaded from the arena
- The least dangerous bot is last to be made safe.
- Weapon lock is put in place.
- Power is turned off.
- Bot is unloaded from the arena.
- The arena steward/judges will then call "Competitors may handle transmitters" At which point competitors may retrieve their transmitter from the designated area.
Emergencies In case of emergency, such as battery exposure, battery fire, or unsafe condition, such as an arena breech, or a loading door being opened during a match...
- The arena steward/judges will call a hold on the match, using the phrase "CEASE COMBAT". Immediately place your transmitter in the designated area and do not touch it until instructed to. Failure to comply can result in a forfeit of the match.
General Procedures
- Testing a weapon outside of the test box/arena will be grounds for disqualification from the event or explusion from the event.
- If a battery becomes exposed, the match is over. The arena steward/judges have final say over this safety issue.
- In the pits, keep you bots turned off, weapons safeties on and the wheels off the ground.
- We will have someone call next match, and on deck match. We will also try to post the current brackets and next fight within the Discord event channel. We have 20 minutes between matches for any one bot, so towards the end, we will likely be having grudge matches to fill time.
- No late hits. If the other bot is disabled, ask before you hit them again. Basically be polite.
- Have fun, play safe.
There will be a test box available for use throughout the day (thank you NHRL!) Please use it for any testing.