WINTER WARS IS BACK !! We are pleased to announce our return of the COMBAT ROBOTS AND COAT DRIVE event.
JAN 11th 2025
506 Pine St. Doniphan MO. 63935
Sponsored by 2 of the best in the business, PALM BEACH BOTS, and REPEAT ROBOTICS
2 Arenas with the following classes PLASTIC ANT, ANT. AND BEETLEWEIGHT
We will be following the MRCA ruleset. ( NO weight Bonus for mini or shufflers)
To make the experience better and speed up registration time it is perferred you pay though here at time of registration.
BONUS EVENT -- We will be doing something special for the coat drive - LETS SHOW OFF YOUR BOT CREATIVITY - We will be having a side judged contest - Show us your Warmest Bot - how you can show your support for the coat drive expressed through your robot!!! This can be decorated, painted, built specific ect... ( I may build a fighting Boot just for
Each bot entering will be displayed on a table and will have a jar in front of it. Everyone will get a vote by adding to the jar. Bot with the most amount will receive a bonus prize. Proceeds from this will go toward the coat drive.
8.00 Doors open / registration begins ( Head to registration table and Grab your 2 forms to complete ) - complete the waiver and contract and bring back to registration. Once completed you will receive a safety form
8- 9:30 Safety checks ( please test failsafe of both your weapon and drive - this will be checked without waiver and MUST be functional to pass safety)
9:30 -10 - Final arena check for staff and brackets completed - ( all brackets will be posted on Site TV Screen, Facebook link, You tube channel and Challonge )
10:00- Driver Meeting
10:30 Fights begin
1:00 Lunch break - We will attempt 1 hour for lunch - We will have a kitchen menu posted as time gets closer
5:30 ish - We will try to wrap up by 5:30 but may run a bit past
Best hotel to stay at will be:
Rocky River Inn phone 573-996-2400, 100 Oak Tree Village , Doniphan MO 63935 ( 1 mile from event center)
Bot Class | Registrations |
Ant | 30 |
Plastic Ant | 13 |
Beetleweight | 11 |