UCR Annual Fall Brawl (Hopefully with Beetles)


Corbin Reid :     c.nash.reid@gmail.com

Come join fellow robot combat enthusiasts in Utah’s Bi-Annual Combat Robotics Event.

This is a 3lb Beetleweight and 1lb Plastic Antweight division. All Antweights must comply with “4.4 Plastic Classes” requirements listed in SPARC Ruleset. http://sparc.tools/

$25 registration fee per bot to help pay to keep these events going. Make sure to pay your resgistration here on RCE.

There will be no fee for spectators so please bring all your friends to cheer you on. invite anyone you can think of!! 

We want to start earlier to try and get out at a decent time. you can arrive as early as 7:30 day off the event to get set up and start getting through safety, wanting fights to start before 10 AM

We will also be trying a few new things, 1 to try and get more people to stay and cheer on other competitors the final rumble will not just be for fun. there will be a cash prize on the line. 

Double elimination bracket style tournament 

In order to keep the event length reasonable We will have TWO arenas! One 8-foot arena for 3-Lb beetles (Hopefully) and one 4-foot arena for 1-Lb Plastic Ants fighting until around Who are we kidding 7pm, when the finals start. Wood floors on both arenas.

For entertainment during longer waits between fights we will be having 3lbs Plastic Beetles again. Please refraine from building a multibot of some kinf for this class. As it is entertaimnet we also want to test again if the 3lbs plastic class is a viable option for combat. 

If it is getting close to the event date and we do not think we will have out beetle arena we will either refund Registration money or we will pivot and have another Plant and Fairy event. Either way we will have an event on November 9th at Make Salt Lake.

If everything goes to plan this will be a fully indoor event at the makers space but we all know how things can change so come prepared for the possibility of being outside in early November

livestram at https://www.twitch.tv/synshop  https://www.youtube.com/synshop

Sponsored by https://sendcutsend.com/  https://itgresa.com/ and https://www.tslots.com/

Location: 663 W 100 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84104, USA

Website: https://linktr.ee/utahcombatrobotics

Date: Saturday, November 09, 2024

Begin: 08:00

End: 23:59

Registration: August 14, 2024 - November 08, 2024

Bot Class Registrations
Plastic Beetles 4
Plastic Ants 24
Beetles 13