Robot Renegades at St. Lucie Fair (Ft. Pierce, FL)
Happy to be back at St. Lucie Fair this year. The manager of the fair has supported fighting robots for many years. It's a pleasure to have one of the largest events of the year at St. Lucie. Did I mention Flamethrowers are ALLOWED!!!
We're an attraction for attendees so robot fighters get in the fair for free.
Event Info:
- Classes:
- Plastic Ant
- Gladiator (Vipers and Sportsman) Vipers are allowed spinners. Sportsman are not allowed spinning weapons.
- Ant Pro (stone cold killing machines!!)
- Beetle
- Registration is $25 per bot.
- Prize Purse: Cash prize as a split on registration fees divided between first/second/third place. Additional $500 in the prize pot from the Fair mgmt to be divided among the classes.
- Pits: Good amount of space. Smaller teams may share a table.
- Power is available, bring extension cords, power strips, lipo bags etc
- Fair Entry: Each team receives an allowance of passes. There is a limit but it's reasonable. Anyone over the cap is required to buy a pass.
- Pre-Event email will have any more specific instructions.
Palm Beach Bots is sponsoring and will be on site with parts and kits to get you thru the fights.
Saturday March 1st
- Load In 10-11AM
- Safety/Weigh In: 10:30AM
- Fights start at 12PM and run thru about 7PM. Fair closes at midnight so you'll have plenty of time to explore and eat crazy fair food.
Sunday March 2nd
- Arrive by 11AM
- Fights start at 12PM and run until we're done, shooting for 6PM. Fair closes at 11PM giving more time to explore the Fair.
- Load out immediately after fights end.
SPARC ruleset with the following points of emphasis:
FLAMETHROWERS ALLOWED!! in Ant Pro & Beetle. A release will be signed by all competitors
- Shuffler weight bonus has been reduced to 1.25 in 2025.
- Plastic Ant Specs: Traditional SPARC Rules. No nylons, tpu or metal etc.
- Pit: We have a pseudo pit, more of an OOTA zone in the corner, there's a reasonable chance to escape. If you go in the pit you have a 10 count to get out before KO is called.
- Exposed batteries are automatic forfeits
- One postponement
- One unstick per fight (if you become unintentionally stuck).
- No entanglements
- Tapouts are allowed
- Match length: 2 minutes.
- Bracket format, TBD. Most likely swiss into a single elim bracket.
- Most Important Rule - **HAVE FUN**
VOLUNTEERS WELCOME: We're happy to have any available volunteers help with the event. If you have family/friends coming that aren't fond of sitting in the pits all day playing games on their phone we can always use help. Pit Runners, Judges, Safety, and possibly announcers. Please reach out directly to if interested.