SEMO St. Louis Quad Con Comi- Con


Michael Mueller :


COMI CON in St. Charles Missouri (Near ST. Louis)

Quad Con Presents St Charles Comic and Toy Show - Special Presentation by SEMO Combat Robotics

Public viewing  hours: 10-4

Where: Steel Shop Event Center, 49 Lawrence St  St Charles MO 63301

Date: April 13- SUNDAY ONLY

Hours for competitors load in: 7am - 9:30am

All loading doors must be closed at 9:30am

Anyone arriving after 9:30 will have to pay $5 entry at front entrance

Please bring any foldable tables if you have any. 

Plastic Antweight, Antweight, Beetleweight 

We will highly enforce all safety practices and will follow the SPARC Rule set 

Floor in both areana are painted wood floors: as always we will do our best to perfect the seam 

7:30 Doors and pits open.

8:30 regerstation begins. Head to registration first to complete your forms and grab your safty checklist that will have to be completed to get on the brackets. 

08:35 Safety check in opens 

9:30 Check in closes, all builders should be in the building by now

10:00 Drivers meeting. All bots should be through safety. We will finalize brackets to be released after saftey meeting. 

10:15 Fights begin.

Lunch -  when applicable (TBD)

4 pm end time - we have to be out of the building before 7pm

Any one that is willing to help tear down is greatly appreatated as we will  be goiing out for food after!!



We will follow the basic SPARC ruleset. Full ruleset will be updated soon. 

General Rules:

Plastic antweight specific rules:


  Bracket links will be posted before the event but the matches will not be finalized until 11:30pm on the event date. 


Teams must supply their own tables - venue is limited on tables for the Comi con vendors. 

Chairs are available.

Spectator bleachers available for viewing

Location: 49 Lawrence St, St Charles, MO 63301, USA


Date: Sunday, April 13, 2025

Begin: 10:30

End: 18:00

Registration: January 13, 2025 - April 13, 2025