Design Print Destroy! at Robobrawl X


Ryan Taur :

Robobrawl UIUC :

Design Print Destroy! Is a 1lb competition held annually during Engineering Open House at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. The first day of the event (4/4/2025) with be a Plant competition and the second day (4/5/2025) will be a MRCA ranked Open Ant competition. 

Entry fee is $25 per open and $15 per plastic ant


Modified Swiss

6-6-5 judging rubric

Arena Info:

The arena is 6x6x3 with traction painted plywood floors, 3 in high polycarb kickplates, and an active ventilation system.

Test boxes will be availible for testing

Bot Guidelines:

Active weapon rule is in place and will be enforced

Weapons must be able to influence a fight in a meaningful way and is up to the event organizer's discretion.

Weapon locks MUST be on at all times in the pit and wheels off the ground

We used a modified weight bonus system that encourages technological innovation:

   Non traditional locomotion(shufflers, gyro walkers, bristlebots, etc.) = 1.25lbs

   Swerve drive and true multibot(50/50 or 51/49 split) = 1.5 lbs

   True walker (at least 3 individually controlled DOF between all legs) = 2 lbs

Weight bonuses do NOT stack. If you have any questions, feel free to ask on our discord.

For Plant:

   The only allowed plastics are PLA, PETG, ABS, and ASA.

   COTS parts are allowed where necessary.

   Custom TPU wheel cores are NOT allowed.

   Under no reasonable circumstance should a non printed component be impacted in a way which protects the robot

   Thermal post processing of parts (salt annealing) is not allowed. 


Thank you to Repeat Robotics and Itgresa for supporting this event and offering podium prizes.

Location: Digital Computer Laboratory, 1304 W Springfield Ave, Urbana, IL 61801, USA


From: April 04, 2025 to April 05, 2025

Begin: 09:00

End: 17:00

Registration: January 22, 2025 - April 03, 2025

Bot Class Registrations
Open Ant 28
Plastic Ant 26