WAR at Seattle Makers


Rob Farrow :     farrowrob@hotmail.com

Congratulations to the winners!


1st Dark Blade
3rd Dark Siren

Plastic Ants

1st Dark Skid Mark
2nd Turbulence
3rd Shuriken

WAR is partnering with Seattle Makers for our first small bot event in their new space! If things go well we will try and have it be a regular thing!

Because of Covid this event will be limited to a maximum of 15 people. Each builder is free to bring multiple bots. I've capped the registration #s to be fairly low but we are builder-limited not robot limited so go ahead and register more than one bot. You won't be preventing someone else from coming. In the future, events in the maker space will be able to handle larger groups.

Participation Details

Class Maximum Bots
Plastic Antweights 8
Antweigts 8

Rules are posted here including the rules for Plastic Antweights. Remember! Plastic Antweights can not be made out of any type of plastic. They are limited to PET, PETG, ABS, or PLA, PLA+. If you want to use a different plastic please contact us for approval.  If you have any questions feel free to email but generally the Western Allied Robotics Facebook Group is the best place to talk and interact with other builders.

Antweight Challonge Bracket - https://challonge.com/Antweight_SeattleMakers_Feb22

Plastic Antweight Challonge Bracket - https://challonge.com/PlasticAnt_SeattleMakers_Feb22

Location: 3400 Wallingford Ave N, Seattle, WA 98103, USA

Website: http://www.westernalliedrobotics.com

Date: Saturday, February 26, 2022

Begin: 13:30

End: 17:30

Registration: January 16, 2022 - February 25, 2022

Team Registration fee: 20.00 USD

Bot Class Registrations
1lb - Antweight 7
1lb - Plastic Antweight 6