2023 Mechanical Mayhem: Winter Event


Rick Anderson :     rick.rickanderson@gmail.com

We want to welcome IT Gressa as a sponsor for our event and the GSCRL. More news to come about that sponsorship.

Robots: 32 robots are officially in. Our goal bot number was 30. However, Monday night, we'll reassess our capacity. We have at least six bots wait-listed.


  1.  Live Stream URL: https://youtube.com/@gscrl
  2. Challonge Link is coming soon
  3. Match Length: 2 minutes 30 seconds
  4. Each Robot Registration is the equivalent of 2 food tokens
  5. Food tokens are available for $10.00 

Antweight and Beetleweight 8' x 8' x 2' arena, two layers of 1/4" polycarbonate. Plywood painted surface.


When: Saturday, January 14th,  2023

Where: 1510B Jersey Ave, North Brunswick, NJ 08902

Weapons need a weapon safety lock. Lipo Batteries need to manage and stored properly. The stream will be hosted on https://youtube.com/@gscrl

Requirements for all attendees:

FUBAR Lab's Precautions:

Tournament Rules

Location: 1510b Jersey Ave, North Brunswick Township, NJ 08902, USA

Website: https://fubarlabs.org

Date: Saturday, January 14, 2023

Begin: 10:00

End: 17:00

Bot Class Registrations
Antweight 15
Plastic Ant 8
Beetleweight 8