Bell Brawls Spring 2023

Bell Brawls is an action-packed Beetleweight combat robotics tournament hosted in Silicon Valley. 18 teams will battle it out in the BCRC's 30 sq. ft. octagonal arena until a champion is crowned.

The rules for the event are based on the Robogames standard ruleset. They can be found here.

Event-related merchandise and food will also be sold during the event!

Heavyweights from the Battlebots show Glitch and Gigabyte will be on display, and Robotic Death Company, Gigabyte's builders, will be hosting an AMA!  


8:30 - doors open for teams; safety inspections begin

9:00 - teams must be in house by then, judging begins 

9:45 - team meeting

10:00 - fights start

12:00 - lunch break

1:00 - fights resume

3:00 - awards ceremony, grudge matches

4:00 - doors close


Contact: Event Organizer:

Asst. Event Organizer:

BCRC General Manager:

Be sure to join our Discord!

Location: 960 W Hedding St, San Jose, CA 95110, USA


Date: Sunday, May 07, 2023

Begin: 09:00

End: 16:00

Registration: March 05, 2023 - May 01, 2023

Team Registration fee: 20.00 USD

Bot Class Registrations
3lb - Beetleweight 24