Frequently Asked Questions: League

What is the league?

Fully independent events have agreed to have their event results tracked to help determine which bots come out on top.

When is the league season?

The season starts the first day of March and ends on the last day of February. Event data prior to March 2022 isn't complete so take historical rankings with a grain of salt.

What weight classes will be included?

Currently, ranks are calculated for the most popular weight classes: 150g, 1lb, 1lb-plastic, 3lb, 12lb, 30lb, and 30sportsman robots.

Results for an event I competed in aren't in the system. What can I do?

It is up to individual event organizers to decide if their results should be included in the rankings. If the event organizer is OK with their results being included, but don't want to enter the results themselves, you can contact to assist.

Can results from older events be included?

Yes! The event organizer can release results by setting: “Include results in bot rankings” to YES. Then the results will be included in the point calculations.

How are rankings determined?

Robots earn points by placing in events. A robot's season total is taken from their top 3 events.

How are points calculated?

Points are determined by how a robot places in a competition and is weighted by the number of robots competing.

You can see the details of how they are calculated here

What do I do if I see an error in the event results?

You should contact the event organizer. They have the final say in what results are accurate for their events.

Can results be entered when the bots that competed don't match registration?

Yes! You can add and remove bots so the rankings are accurate. If a competing bot doesn't exist in the system, you can contact for help.

Can results be entered for events that don't use for registration?

Yes! The process requires some more work but you can contact for help.