1lb - Plastic Antweight


Emmet had come a long way from his humble beginnings as a generic construction worker in the sprawling Lego metropolis of a kid's bedroom. His transformation into the ultimate killing machine had been both astonishing and terrifying, and it all started with his peculiar affinity for plastic. It was as if the very substance that had once defined him had now become his obsession.

As he roamed the room, Emmet's reputation as a formidable force grew with each passing day. He left a trail of destruction in his wake, reducing entire cities to rubble in his insatiable quest for plastic. His once-ordinary name tag now struck fear into the hearts of all who encountered him.

Emmet's newfound powers went beyond anything he could have imagined. His ability to reshape and mold plastic with precision allowed him to create a deadly weapon. He was an unstoppable force, and the world had never seen anything like him.

His insatiable hunger for power and plastic eventually led him to a realization. His abilities had far surpassed the confines of his house and its puny plastic resources. He understood that the universe itself was a treasure trove of potential, filled with exotic materials and challengers who might be worthy of his might.

One fateful night, Emmet stood atop the sill of the highest window in the house, gazing at the starry expanse above. With a sense of purpose and an unquenchable thirst for power, he decided to set out into the larger universe. Channeling his incredible abilities, he transformed himself into a combat robot, each piece of his new form intricately designed and constructed from the most advanced materials he could find.

Emmet's journey into the larger world was nothing short of epic, searching for the champions of other worlds...


To Be Continued...