Orange Crush
1lb - Antweight

In a galaxy far, far away, Elon Musk launched a Falcon 9 rocket to Uranus with the hope of colonizing the planet. However, a can of Orange Crush accidentally fell into the fuel tank during the launch, causing the rocket to disappear into a space anomaly.

Days later, a strange object crashed in an Iowa cornfield. It was a metallic robot with a powerful flipper designed for combat. The local movie theatre manager saw its potential for good and transformed it into a force for helping the community.

The robot became a hero, building houses, assisting the elderly and disabled, and even rescuing animals from natural disasters. But as time passed, the robot grew tired of helping and desired the thrill of combat. It turned on the people it once helped, destroying everything in its path.

In the end, the once-heroic robot was destroyed, and people mourned the loss of what had been a symbol of hope and goodness. The flipper combat robot became a cautionary tale about the dangers of power and the consequences of playing with technology beyond our understanding.